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Investigation on Flos Trollii: Constituents and bioactivities

  • 摘要: 目的:金莲花由于其清热解毒作用在中药及蒙药中被广泛使用。作为一种药食两用药物,金莲花已经引起了生药学家、药理学家、天然药物学家、营养学家等的广泛兴趣。其化学成分和生物活性研究发展较快,然而也存在一些问题,诸如有效成分的归属问题。这些问题限制了金莲花的进一步开发利用。本文结合本研究组对金莲花的化学成分和生物活性的研究成果,以及近几十年有关金莲花的研究报道,对金莲花的化学成分和生物活性研究进展进行了系统总结,并对存在的问题进行了讨论与展望。


    Abstract: Flos Trollii,the flowers of Trollius chinensis Bunge,has been widely used in Chinese and Mongolian medicine for its efficacy of heat-clearing and detoxification.This drug has both medicinal and edible applications,and has led to various pharmacognosy,natural product chemistry,and pharmacology studies.As a result,its chemical constituents and bioactivities have been well-characterized in recent years.Nevertheless,a couple of critical issues,such as the major effective components,are still unresolved.The present review summarizes research progress on this drug regarding the constituents and bioactivities based on investigations in these laboratories and the results reported in recent publications.In addition,the pending issues are discussed and constructive suggestions for further investigation are proposed.


