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Yun-Xia LUO, Xin-Yue WANG, Yu-Jie HUANG, Shu-Huan FANG, Jun WU, Yong-Bin ZHANG, Tian-Qin XIONG, Cong YANG, SHENJian-Gang, Chuan-Lan SANG, Qi WANG, Jian-Song FANG. Systems pharmacology-based investigation of Sanwei Ganjiang Prescription: related mechanisms in liver injury[J]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2018, 16(10): 756-765. DOI: 10.1016/S1875-5364(18)30115-8
Citation: Yun-Xia LUO, Xin-Yue WANG, Yu-Jie HUANG, Shu-Huan FANG, Jun WU, Yong-Bin ZHANG, Tian-Qin XIONG, Cong YANG, SHENJian-Gang, Chuan-Lan SANG, Qi WANG, Jian-Song FANG. Systems pharmacology-based investigation of Sanwei Ganjiang Prescription: related mechanisms in liver injury[J]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2018, 16(10): 756-765. DOI: 10.1016/S1875-5364(18)30115-8

Systems pharmacology-based investigation of Sanwei Ganjiang Prescription: related mechanisms in liver injury

  • Abstract: Liver injury remains a significant global health problem and has a variety of causes, including oxidative stress (OS), inflammation, and apoptosis of liver cells. There is currently no curative therapy for this disorder. Sanwei Ganjiang Prescription (SWGJP), derived from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has shown its effectiveness in long-term liver damage therapy, although the underlying molecular mechanisms are still not fully understood. To explore the underlining mechanisms of action for SWGJP in liver injury from a holistic view, in the present study, a systems pharmacology approach was developed, which involved drug target identification and multilevel data integration analysis. Using a comprehensive systems approach, we identified 43 candidate compounds in SWGJP and 408 corresponding potential targets. We further deciphered the mechanisms of SWGJP in treating liver injury, including compound-target network analysis, target-function network analysis, and integrated pathways analysis. We deduced that SWGJP may protect hepatocytes through several functional modules involved in liver injury integrated-pathway, such as Nrf2-dependent anti-oxidative stress module. Notably, systems pharmacology provides an alternative way to investigate the complex action mode of TCM.


