β-Cell protective efficacy, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of extracts of Achillea millifolium in diabetic rats
Graphical Abstract
AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic uses of Achillea millifolium in diabetic rats. METHODS: Diabetes was induced by single intraperitoneal injection of freshly prepared solution of alloxan monohydrate (150 mgkg-1 body weight) in Wistar rats of 150-200 g body weight. In this study, the aqueous and methanolic extract of Achillea millifolium was studied for its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties. The rats were divided into several groups, serving as Normal group, Diabetic Control group, Diabetic treated with glibenclamide, and extract treated groups. The blood serum collected from the various groups of rats was analysed for its various biochemical parameters like glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, SGOT, SGPT and ALP. On the 14th day of the experiment the rats were scarified and pancreas was collected for histopathological studies. RESULTS: The extracts at dose levels of 250 and 500 mgkg-1 body weight showed significant (P 0.05) decrease in blood glucose level, TGL, VLDL, cholesterol, SGOT, SGPT, and ALP in diabetic rats. The extracts prevented the -cells of pancreas from the cytotoxic effects of Alloxan monohydrate. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the extracts as mentioned above are effective in hyperglycemia and can effectively protect against other metabolic aberrations caused by alloxan monohydrate.