Three cerebrosides from the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa
Graphical Abstract
AIM: To study the chemical constituents of the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa. METHODS: Three sphingosine-type glucocerebrosides, CF-3-1, CF-3-2 and CF-3-3 were isolated by means of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from a cerebroside molecular species 3 which was obtained from the less polar fraction of the 65% EtOH extract of the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa Gunnerus. RESULTS: The structures of these cerebrosides were determined on the basis of chemical and spectroscopic evidences. CONCLUSION: Three compounds were isolated from the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa for the first time. CF-3-3 and CF-3-2 were obtained as pure compounds for the first time.