Rhododendron Molle (Ericaceae): phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicology
Graphical Abstract
Rhododendron molle G. Don, belonging to the Ericaceae family, is a traditional Chinese medicinal plant with a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects. This paper aimed to review the phytochemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of R. molle, and to discuss the tendency of future investigations on this plant. A systematic review of literature about R. molle was carried out using resources including classic books about Chinese herbal medicine, and scientific data bases including CNKI, Pubmed, SciFinder, Scopus, and Web of Science. Over 67 compounds, including diterpenes, triterpenes, flavonoids, and lignans, had been extracted and identified from R. molle. The extracts/monomers isolated from the root, flower and fruits of this plant were used as effective agents for treating pains, inflammatory diseases, hypertension, and pest, etc. In addition, diterpenes, such as rhodojaponin Ⅲ, were considered as the toxic agents associated with the toxicities of this plant. These findings will be significant for the discovery of new drugs from this plant and full utilization of R. molle.